
In this part of pilgrim, I pick up these scattering notes along the pathway. Whether they are friend’s words or mine that is touching and inspiring. Maybe, in these traced footprints, there are memories worth reflected, there is flame that flare up spirits, and there are inspirations that flashing imaginations. Hope you love reading my notes.

One Minute Wisdom

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Spoon boy: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Spoon boy: Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

One, who treats his own people with scorn, shall surely suffer a bitter end


In a jungle, there lived a jackal by the name of Chandarava. One day he was very hungry, so he risked going into the city to find food. There he was surrounded by dogs barking loudly. They set upon him and wounded him with their sharp teeth. To save his skin, he ran into a dyer's house. A big vat of indigo dye was lying there. In he jumped and consequently his whole body was dyed indigo, he no longer looked like a jackal.

When he came out, the dogs were unable to recognize him and ran off in all directions, terrified. The jackal himself went back to the jungle. The indigo dye would not come off.
Back in the jungle, when the animals, the lions, tigers, elephants, wolves and the rest of them, saw the indigo-coloured jackal, they ran away in terror and said to one another, 'Let's run away for we don't know the strength of this animal or what to expect of him.'

When the jackal saw the frightened animals, he called them back and said, 'Ho! Animals! Why are you running off in panic?

Don't be afraid.

Brahma, the Lord of Creation has made me himself, with his hands, and he said, 'The animals have no king, so I have crowned you as a king. Go to the earth and protect them well."

'That's why,' he continued ' I've come here.

Live in my kingdom, under my protection. I, have been crowned the King of the Three Worlds. ( Heaven , Earth and Hell).'

When all the animals, the lions, tigers, and the rest of them, heard this, they surrounded him and said, 'Master, we await you commands.'

The jackal assigned specific duties to all the animals, but he said he would have nothing to do with jackals, and they were all chased away.

The lion and the tiger used to go out hunting and bring the prey before the jackal. He would then distribute it amongst the other animals. Thus, he discharged his kingly duties. In this way, quite some time elapsed.

One day, this jackal heard in the distance the howl of pack of jackals. He was spellbound, his eyes filled with tears of joy, he stood up and began to howl.

When the lion and the other animals heard the howl, they realized that he was only a jackal and they lowered their heads in shame.

Only for a moment did they remain in this attitude. Then they said angrily to each other, 'This despicable jackal has fooled us! We will kill him!'

When the jackal heard this, he tried to escape but was torn in pieces on the spot and he died.

The wise indeed say : One, who treats his own people with scorn, shall surely suffer a bitter end.


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