
In this part of pilgrim, I pick up these scattering notes along the pathway. Whether they are friend’s words or mine that is touching and inspiring. Maybe, in these traced footprints, there are memories worth reflected, there is flame that flare up spirits, and there are inspirations that flashing imaginations. Hope you love reading my notes.

One Minute Wisdom

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Spoon boy: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Spoon boy: Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.



The important thing is not to know who "I" is or what "I" is. You'll never succeed. There are no words for it. The important thing is to drop the labels. As the Japanese Zen masters say, "Don't seek the truth; just drop your opinions." Drop your theories; don't seek the truth. Truth isn't something you search for. If you stop being opinionated, you would know. Something similar happens here. If you drop your labels, you would know. What do I mean by labels? Every label you can conceive of except perhaps that of human being. I am a human being. Fair enough; doesn't say very much. But when you say, "I am successful," that's crazy. Success is not part of the "I". Success is something that comes and goes; it could be here today and gone tomorrow. That's not "I". When you said, "I was a success," you were in error; you were plunged into darkness. You identified yourself with success. The same thing when you said, "I am a failure, a lawyer, a businessman." You know what's going to happen to you if you identify yourself with these things. You're going to cling to them, you're going to be worried that they may fall apart, and that's where your suffering comes in. That is what I meant earlier when I said to you, "If you're suffering, you're asleep." Do you want a sign that you're asleep? Here it is: You're suffering. Suffering is a sign that you're out of touch with the truth. Suffering is given to you that you might open your eyes to the truth, that you might understand that there's falsehood somewhere, just as physical pain is given to you so you will understand that there is disease or illness somewhere. Suffering points out that there is falsehood somewhere. Suffering occurs when you clash with reality. When your illusions clash with reality when your falsehoods clash with the truth, then you have suffering. Otherwise there is no suffering.

1 komentar:

  1. Masta Mind mengatakan...

    he he..menyinggung2 ttg zen, maaf saya baca yg awareness dulu baru yg ini.Ternyata sudah lebih nge-zen yg ini.

    However.. zen mungkin lbih radikal dari DeMello.Saya kira zen percaya bahwa I'm a human being, but I'm not a human being. I am everything, I am nothing. There is no I. Tentunya ini bukan sekedar kata2 waton sensasi ben keren - ini sangat logis, dan simpel.

    Apa itu human being? Sebutkan satu filsuf, scientist, seniman ato siapapun dalm sejarah manusia yg bisa mendefinisikan apa itu human being.Sejauh yg saya tahu,tidak ada definisi mutlak manusia-selalu ada anomali.Apa ada 1 saja kriteria yg membedakan human being dgn yg non-human being?Tak ada.Dan sebenarnya tak hanya human being, tapi juga segalanya - dunia ini; baik buruk; benar salah; dst tak ada definisi yg mutlak, karena definisi itu pemetaan, definisi itu perumusan, perumusan itu label - label bukanlah barang yg sesungguhnya.

    Suatu barang diberi label(yg berwujud secarik kertas kecil dng tulisan tertentu yg ditambatkan pada barang itu) - maka adalah kesalahan besar bila label dianggap sebagai barang sesungguhnya.

    Jadi, definisi apapun itu hanyalah perumusan, hanya label - bukan barang sesungguhnya. Kata-kata bukan realita - ia hanya sarana konvensional, utk komunikasi, utk kategorisasi. Jadi kalo memang mendekonstruksi labelisasi tak usah tanggung2 - ga ada success/failure, ga ada human being/non-human being..

    Juga, ultimately, tak ada I. Tak ada ego, tak ada suffering. Yg ada hanya kesadaran yg mengamati namun menyatu dengan obyek2 kesadaran

    Descartes berkata: 'I think, therefore I am'; konon seorang Master Zen Jepang berkata, 'saya kira ia lupa untuk melanjutkan: ..I do not think, therefore I am not.'

    I hanya exist ketika buah2 pikir liar mendefine - nya. Ketika kita percaya pada kesadaran, maka pikiran macet, buah pikir tak lagi mengganggu, dan di sana kita lihat bahwa tidak ada I, dan tidak ada suffering.

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